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Zoom (Forever Force)

Zoom (Forever Force)

Hunter Zolomon

New 52

Zoom's History

Hunter appeared in Central City, seeking to obtain the Still Force from one of the New Force Conduits, Steadfast. After stealing the Still Force, Hunter reveals to Barry that the combined forces create an entirely new force called the Forever Force, allowing him to see all of time and space. Barry gave chase, along with the Black Flash hot on their trail, intent on purging the other Forces from the Speed Force.

Hunter dies as a Flash

Hunter proclaimed his goal was to kill the Black Flash, as he said it's his destiny to kill "death itself" after all the tragedies in his life. Barry then showed Hunter a memory fragment in the Forever Force, explaining he investigated Hunter's case on Ashley's father, discovering Eobard Thawne played a part in the murder. Distraught by this revelation, Hunter starts to slow his pace.

Barry reminded Hunter that he broke the Force barrier by using him and Wally, so they also must find a way to repair the barrier in order to return and solve the mystery of Thawne's involvement. Hunter felt remorse for all the tragedy he inflicted on Wally, his best friend, and against Barry's pleas, resigned to fix the barrier by sacrificing himself as atonement. He wished things could have been different, but then remarked that saving the day was what Flashes do. His plan worked, and the Black Flash was also banished to the Forever Force.[6]