Working on the new Tier System. Classes might show up weird/wrong.



Yuto's powers and abilities

Yuto is able to inflict real damage, destruction, and pain in a duel even without the presence of an Action Field. His use of this ability is akin to Psychic Duelists in that the effect is physical in nature and not magically induced. Examples of this are wind being felt from the ARC System holograms, causing explosions that can shake an entire building, and using "Phantom Knights' Spear" to pin Sylvio to a wall by his coat.[1] Upon his next appearance, he was also shown to be acrobatic, performing several high and agile jumps in a scuffle with Sora.[14] He can also dash to the point of being nearly a blur that a pair of guards couldn't react fast enough. Yuto is somewhat stronger than he looks; he was able to effortlessly knock down Kakimoto off-screen,[1] knock Shay unconscious with a single punch to the gut, and carry him on his shoulder single-handedly.[15] Like his dimensional counterparts, Yuto possesses the ability to be Awakened. He loses this ability after Riley Akaba removed Z-ARC's soul from him.[16] His Duel Disk possesses technology to travel between dimensions.

After being merged with Yuya, he can share his memories and desires with him, eventually becoming able to directly talk with Yuya at will and he became able to turn Yuya's deck into his own. He can also communicate with others from within Yuya, as seen with Shay.[17] Yuto also possess the ability to Synchronize with his dimensional counterparts.[18] He also has the ability to directly possess Yuya while not awakened, causing Yuya to feel a rush of pain, followed by his eyes briefly glowing purple before fading to be the same color as Yuto's.[19] When sufficiently angered, Yuto can fully take control of Yuya's body and cause it to take Yuto's appearance.[20]

Like his dimensional counterparts, Yuto possesses an unknown darkness inside him that slowly tries to consume his soul.[13] While merged with Yuya, the darkness uses Yuto's hatred of Duel Academy to influence the both of them to harm their opponents.[21] After he and Yuya realized their anger was connected to the darkness, Yuto gained a degree of control over his anger but can be consumed by the darkness if Yuya is angered.