Tibalt (Post-Mending)

Tibalt (Post-Mending)


Magic: the Gathering

Tibalt's powers and abilities

Neowalker - Tibalt is a Post-Mending Planeswalker, allowing him to freely travel through the Blind Eternities to other planes without being erased from existence. His Spark also grants him immunities to various corrupting effects and raises many of his base resistances and gives him a much greater mana pool than any average being. Planeswalkers also possess the ability to summon mana duplicates of allies they have made throughout their journeys, an ability Tibalt makes heavy use of.

Half-Devil - Tibalt's body was merged with that of a number of devils with a spell he crafted, granting him their resistances and aptitudes, such as complete immunity to fire and heat.

Pain Mage - Tibalt draws primarily from red mana sources to fuel his magic, although he has gained access to black mana as well. His main ability comes in the ability to inflict pain of all types to himself and others magically . He then becomes more powerful the more pain he has inflicted and is inflicted around him. His own pain tolerance is so high that he once had every abuse he had ever inflicted on others enacted on him and found the experience enjoyable. He is also capable of wielding fire and hellflames, altering the luck of enemies and creating convincing illusions.