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Karen Lou Faulkner

Prime DC Comics Universe

Rampage's powers and abilities

Transformation: Kitty Faulkner can transform into Rampage, a muscle-bound behemoth with orange skin and a large red mohawk.

Energy Absorption: Rampage's body acted as an energy converter, absorbing solar radiation and using it to metabolize the cells of her body. By absorbing solar energy, Rampage was capable of generating extra body mass and density, which granted her excessive physical traits

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Super-Leaping: Rampage could utilize her super-strength to leap great distances simulating the effects of flying.

Rampage's weaknesses

Power Limitation: If Rampage was denied a means by which to harness and process solar radiation, her metabolic cell structure would decrease, forcing her to revert to Kitty Faulkner.



Intelligence0 IQ
Strength0 kg • 0 lb
Speed0 m/s

Super Powers

DurabilityEnergy AbsorptionStaminaSuper StrengthTransformation