Working on the new Tier System. Classes might show up weird/wrong.


Rox Ogama

Prime DC Comics Universe

Mandrakk's History

When the great Monitor Dax Novu began preaching that the Monitors' power was leeched from the Multiverse itself, Rox Ogama was one of the few who listened. Ogama realized that if the Monitors were already drawing great power from the Bleed subconsciously, then by consciously draining the Bleed, a single Monitor could easily become more powerful than the others. However, the act of conscious draining had a visible effect upon any Monitor who tried it, as evidenced by Novu himself, who became warped and monstrous in appearance as his feeding upon the Multiverse became increasingly overt. Ultimately, Novu became the hated Mandrakk the Dark Monitor, and was locked away.