Luck Voltia (Thunder God Armor)

Luck Voltia (Thunder God Armor)

Luck Voltia

Black Clover

Luck Voltia's powers and abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Accelerated Development (Frequently surpasses his own limits, and is able to gain power ups by doing so), Acrobatics, Aura, Creation (Luck's magic and fighting style is specialized in equipment spells. With Creation Magic, he is able to create gloves, boots or even an armor made of lightning), Danmaku, Electricity Manipulation, Energy Projection, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception (People with Magic Power can sense the flow of Mana in their surroundings as well as other people's Magic Power. Luck is known to have an extremely good Magic Sensing due to his magic being a derivative of Wind Magic), Flight (True Flight using Lightning Magic), Magic (Attribute: Lightning Magic), Paralysis Inducement (Can paralyze his opponents with his lightning), Reactive Power Level (Adapted to Vetto's strength, speed and fighting style after taking a blow from him. He also has adapted to Asta's speed to the point of overwhelming him), Rage Power and Statistics Amplification (With Reinforcement Magic, Thunder God's Gloves and Thunder God's Boots) | Same as before but greatly enhanced. Blessed, Electricity Absorption: (Unlocked a new form when he got struck by a lightning), Forcefield Creation (Mages with a large amount of Magic Power have a forcefield of Mana that naturally protects them from incoming attacks. Due to being an elf his presence alone can prevent Magic Knights from casting spells) and Weather Manipulation (His sinister aura summoned storm clouds) | Same as before except enhanced Rage Power, Intangible with Ceranos (Turned his body into a true spear of lightning.)