

Loki Odinson

Ultimate Marvel Universe

Loki's History

Loki was the son of Odin, and the giantess Farbauti, who procreated him as part of an attempted peace settlement between Asgard and Jotunheim. Alongside his half-brothers Balder and Thor formed the Warriors Three. Loki fought alongside Thor and Balder during a thousand years-long war against the Frost Giants. After the victory of the Asgardians, the three participated in a tournament alongside other Asgardian warriors, where he was defeated by Thor while trying to make his half-brother understand that everything had changed. Soon afterwards, he visited his mother, now a prisoner of Odin, who asked him to bring her the sacred Norn Stones (relic extensions of Odin's power). In the process of stealing them, he killed his half-brother Balder with his favored bow and was banished from Asgard.

Eons later, in 1939, under the disguise of Nazi super-villain Baron Zemo, Loki waged an attack on Asgard with a coalition army of Frost Giants and Nazi soldiers. He killed Heimdall, feeding his blood the the Nazi soldiers in combination with the power of the Norn Stones to augment their strength. The plan was successful and Asgard burned, but not before Odin banished Loki to the Room Without Doors.

However, before going through the portal to Asgard, Loki had left the Norn Stones in safekeeping with a young Nazi soldier called Helmut with instructions on how to open a portal to the Room Without Doors. Sixty years later, after Thor had already returned to Earth, Helmut opened the portal to the Door Without Doors, freeing Loki, who was still a god, unlike Thor and Balder who had been reborn as men.

Following the failed Chitauri invasion of the world, Loki conspired with the Liberators to destroy the Ultimates and start World War III per his role as god of mischief. Using his powers over reality, Loki created the identity of Gunnar Golmen, member of the Norwegian super-soldier program and Thor's past life as Thorlief to make Thor appear insane and turn the Ultimates against him. He also used his powers to frame Captain America for the murder of Hawkeye's family. His plans culminated in the invasion of the United States, where he participated as one of the leaders. Throughout this, he hesitated from using his powers openly, since doing so would enable his father to find him.