Langris Vaude

Langris Vaude

Langris Vaude

Black Clover

Langris Vaude's History

Langris was born into House Vaude, which has long been known for their prowess with offensive Spatial Magic. Even at a young age, Langris shows more promise than his older brother at this magic, and is called a genius by the rest of his family. When introduced to Finesse Calmreich, the fiancée of the next head of House Vaude, Langris finds her boring. Later, he eavesdrops on her and Finral's discussion and is angered when she considers Finral to be the superior brother.

Years later, he joins the Magic Knights and after becoming vice-captain of the Golden Dawn squad, Langris also becomes the next family head instead of his older brother.

Golden Dawn arrive in Kiten.

When the Diamond Kingdom attacks Kiten, fourteen members, including William Vangeance, Langris, and Yuno, arrive to drive the invaders back. After seeing Yuno's display against Broccos, William suggests that he and Langris join the battle, with which Langris agrees. As Yagos is absorbing the Purple Orcas, Langris approaches and uses his magic to sever a large portion of the snail, a part of Yagos himself, and accidentally a section of a building behind.

After the Black Bulls encounter Yuno, Langris appears on a rooftop and proceeds to insult his brother, but when Langris insults Charmy Pappitson and Asta, Finral confronts his brother. Suddenly, Langris is attacked but easily defends himself. Yagos is seeking revenge and has taken multiple citizens as hostages. Langris determines that he cannot defeat Yagos without killing the citizens and decides to sacrifice them, but Asta stops him. After the Black Bulls work together to defeat Yagos, Finral challenges Langris and Golden Dawn.

When the Black Bulls leave, Langris joins Yuno on the ground stating that they were a vulgar group and that Yuno should choose his friends more carefully. Yuno states that he is proud of Asta and that Asta is his rival, which causes Langris to laugh and ask for what they are competing. Yuno answers that they are aiming for the title of Magic Emperor. Laughing, Langris says that commoners must not feel embarrassment and adds that he would expect nothing less from the peasant chosen by a four-leaf grimoire. Yuno then announces that he first plans to become the Captain of the Golden Dawn, which Langris angrily notes overlooks him, the vice-captain.

After Yuno's achievements are acknowledged at the Star Awards Festival, Langris stands to the side and thinks to himself. During the king's speech, Langris is surprised by the announcement of the Royal Knights Selection Exam.

A week later, Langris attends the exam and is placed on Team G with Sekke Bronzazza and Fragil Tormenta.After listening to the other Magic Knights praise Finral's skill, Langris has Sekke carry them on his Shooting Star and, once in range, easily destroys Team H's crystal and its defense, winning the match for Team G.

Langris confronts his brother.

Afterwards, Langris approaches his brother and warns him to be careful in their next match as their parents and Finesse would be sad if Finral were killed by Langris's magic, but Finral claims that he will beat Langris so that will not happen, which Langris finds amusing.

During their second match, Langris again rides around on Sekke's scooter. When they locate Team E, Langris attacks the crystal but Finral blocks it with his own Spatial Magic. Langris issues a barrage of attacks for Finral to block and questions if Finral can keep up. Finral releases a slow-moving spell, which Sekke scoots around. To Langris's surprise, the spell changes direction and Langris jumps off the scooter and watches as Sekke is warped away.

Langris attacks his defeated brother.

Finral declares that he does not wish to hurt Langris, who is disgusted by Finral's concern. The Golden Dawn then opens his grimoire and reveals his own spell, creating multiple floating orbs and releasing a sinister feeling mana. Finral creates a matching array of orbs, and the brothers launch their spells at each other, resulting in multiple explosions. Langris outmatches his brother and his spell destroys Team E's crystal, winning the match for Team G, and carves out several chunks from Finral's body. Langris approaches his brother and remembers everything that Finral does that infuriates him. He then prepares to kill his defenseless brother, but he is stopped by Asta, Magna, and Luck. Julius Novachrono reprimands the vice-captain for being willing to kill his fellow Magic Knight.

When Asta accuses Langris of not being a true Magic Knight, Langris asks Julius for permission to deal with the Black Bulls, but he attacks before receiving a response. Asta slices through the spell with the Demon-Slayer Sword, which further angers Langris, and Julius decides to let them fight it out. Before they can clash, Julius freezes Asta and Langris in time and prepares the battlefield.

After Teams B and G are assembled, Julius explains the rules and releases Langris and Asta. Fragil and Sekke offer their assistance, but Langris refuses and decides to fight on his own. He tries to attack Team B's crystal, but Asta nullifies it with the Demon-Dweller Sword. Team B organize around their crystal, and Langris flanks them and unleashes a barrage, and as he continues his attack, it overwhelms Asta, damaging him and the crystal, and Mimosa's attempts to heal the injuries.

Asta defeats Langris and destroys the crystal.

When Zora Ideale interferes, Langris bends his spells around Zora's magic circle. However, when they strike Zora, they activate a magic circle on his body and are reflected back. Langris cancels out the spells with another barrage and, after mocking Zora and Finral, attacks again, but Asta appears in his Black Asta form and nullifies the Spatial Magic. Langris demands that Asta cower, before attacking again. Asta flies at Langris, slamming his sword into the vice-captain's stomach. Langris is surprised to find that he cannot use his magic, while Asta pushes him into Team G's crystal and destroys it with Black Meteorite. At the same time, Team B's crystal shatters, ending the match in a draw. Langris then falls to the ground and lies there unconscious.

Three mages attend to his healing and, after the exam is completed, take him to the Royal Capital for questioning into his connection with the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Several days later, Langris is possessed by Ratri.Later that night, all the remaining elves are exorcised after William and Licht combine their magic to connect the elves to a giant tree through which Asta sends Anti Magic.

Langris calls out Finral's womanizing behavior.

Several days later in the Golden Dawn base, Langris is resting in bed while Finesse recounts Finral's actions to save him. They are interrupted by the arrival of Finral. Langris acknowledges his irresponsible actions and shame but refuses to give up. Happy to hear this, Finral declares that he will work hard to become the next head of House Vaude and win Finesse's hand. Langris then asks to talk with his brother in the hall. Langris begins to explain why Finral will not be able to make Finesse happy, but they are interrupted by Letoile Becquerel and another Golden Dawn. When Finral flirts with both women, Langris criticizes Finral's bad habits with women. Langris walks away and tells himself that he will not make it easy for Finral.

The enclosed information is anime-only and therefore not considered part of the canon story.

Six months later, after the attack on the Golden Dawn base, Langris watches Yuno train for the Spade Kingdom mission and offers to help Yuno test his strategy for fighting Spatial Magic. The next morning, Langris, Yuno, and the other Magic Knights selected for the Spade Kingdom invasion gather at the Magic Knights Headquarters. After infiltrating the castle, Langris, Yuno, and Nozel split off to face Zenon Zogratis. Nozel trails behind to handle the Dark Disciples along the way, while Langris and Yuno continue on to fight Zenon. Langris tells Zenon he cannot let a guy like him continue to be on the loose. He uses Archangel Shootdown which Zenon easily blocks with his own Spatial Magic. Zenon says if he was not alive that he could have been the ultimate Spatial mage. Hearing those words, Langris says it has been a while since someone talked down on him. Using Archangel Destruction, he launches a ball of Spatial magic at Zenon. However, Spatial Mana Domination cancels out Langris magic. Zenon taunts them on how he will kill them without moving an inch. At this moment, Yuno uses Spirit of Boreas and strikes Zenon which Langris smiles at.