Cordelia Chase (Power That Be)

Cordelia Chase (Power That Be)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Cordelia Chase's History

When Angel learned that their old foe Lindsey McDonald had returned and was planning to activate Wolfram & Hart's failsafe to eliminate him, Cordelia helped him defeat Lindsey, being enraged to discover that Lindsey had taken Doyle's identity. Afterwards, she confessed to Angel that her return was only temporary and that it was time for her to leave much to his chagrin. They shared a kiss before Angel received a phone call telling him Cordelia had died in her coma, having never awoken. He turned to look at Cordelia, since he just kissed her, but she was gone. Later that night, Angel received a vision — given to him via Cordelia's kiss — that granted him the knowledge he needed to bring down the Circle of the Black Thorn and prevent the apocalypse. Upon her death, Cordelia became a legitimate higher power.