


Computron's History

Where most of the early generation of combiner teams result in super robots that are generously described as dumb as a bag of hammers, Computron, the combination of the five Technobots, is quite the opposite. Pooling his component's intellects and specialties and somehow overcoming whatever personality clashes they have, Computron is a super-genius who virtually never makes a wrong decision. The problem is though, depending on the complexity of the problem he faces, the process of coming to that correct decision can be a very very slow one, as he runs through every possibility using every bit of his computing power and the shared experiences of his components.While this is not so much a problem when developing strategies before a battle, in the heat of a fight it can definitely put him at a disadvantage. Luckily he's incredibly physically resilient, meaning he can take quite a few hits while calculating the best way to end the fight in the Autobots' favor as efficiently as possible once his course of action has been plotted.