

Clayton Maure

Wildstorm Universe

Claymore's powers and abilities

Powers and Abilities


Golden Symbiote: Like all members of Wetworks, Claymore is bonded to a symbiote which normally hides inside him, but can flow out to coat his skin with a golden armor.

Invulnerability: virtually invulnerable

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Reflexes

Psychic Link: He has a telepathic link with the other symbiote wearers, the rest of Wetworks.

Symbiote Power Singularity: Clayton's symbiote acts as the core mind of the Wetworks teams gold, allowing him to not only control the rest of the team's symbiotes but also use their powers as if they were his own.


Demolitions Expert: Claymore was the teams demolitions expert.

Expert Combatant

Weapons Expert: Fascinated with weapons, he has become an expert on virtually every weapon ever used by mankind.