Belial Galactic Empire

Belial Galactic Empire

A team.

Belial Galactic Empire's History

The Belial Galactic Empire is an invasion army formed by Ultraman Belial, now declared as Kaiser Belial. The group's main base of operation is the Malebrandes.

Following Belial's survival from his near-death experience as Belyudra, he established an army of his own bent on conquering the universe. He soon creates a prototype robot made into his enemy, Ultraman Zero's likeness, Darklops Zero and used the robot as an inter-dimensional transporter. However the experiment ended in failure as Darklops lost in space, unknowingly scavenged by Alien Salome.

Soon he created the mass-production type Darklops but unlike the first model, they were empowered by Emeralds instead and use Delusts as carrier ships. After invading Planet Emerald, he sent several Darklops and Legionoid troops in his conquest to expand his empire's influence. Several Darklops were sent to the Land of Light to attack its inhabitants, which was enough for Ultraman Zero to investigate the cause and travels to an alternate universe to find the perpetrator, his own arch-enemy. With his friends, Zero assembles a large group of resistance against Belial Galactic Empire and finally put an end to the army by killing Belial with Ultimate Aegis. However, even with the army went defunct and enslaved planets liberated, his remaining forces were yet to be eliminated, as several Darklops still functional in the outer space, prompting the newly formed Ultimate Force Zero to take care of them.

The last remnants of Belial's army, a platoon of Darklops' and Legionoids, were reawakened among the ruins of their fallen empire, reacting to the presence of their leader's fragmented remains, the Devil Splinters. Ultraman X, Ultraman Geed and Ultraman Titas arrived to destroy them. They soon found themselves overwhelmed by the volume of units remaining, before Ultraman Z arrived to help them. The four disposed of the robots, finally ridding the universe of the last of the empire.