

Gigantic Unloader Barga

Earth Defense Force Universe

Barga's powers and abilities

Massive Strength - Due to both its massive size and original purpose, Barga is incredibly strong. It is able to deliver bone shattering blows to kaiju and each hit is comparable to high yield missile stikes.

Armoring - Barga's armor, composed of an E1 alloy, is incredibly tough. It can take repeated hits from enemy kaiju for an extended amount of time and most smaller enemies do little damage to it.

Swiveling Torso - Barga's torse is designed to be able to face any direction. This feature can be used to get extra momentum for its punches as well as to soften blows from enemies.

Stomp Attack - Barga's weight combined with its strength allows it to create shockwave-like attacks when it smashes one of its feet down.

Rocket Pack - Barga has a pair of rockets set into its back it can use to slow its descent or lift itself from a fallen or prone position.

Barga's weaknesses

Swarms - Although Barga can deal with smaller enemies while they're on the ground, it has great difficulty dealing with especially large swarms due to its lack of offensive firepower.

Deliberate Pace - Barga is not the fastest mecha in the world and it requires time for it to reposition itself while it is fighting.