


Armageddon's powers and abilities

As the clone of Apocalypse and Jean Grey, he may potentially develop any of the powers possessed by his genetic templates.

Apocalypse's Powers [*]Immortality: As an External Apocalypse's original body was immortal; even before being modified by the Celestial ship, he had lived for thousands of years.

[*]Superhuman Strength: Apocalypse possesses superhuman strength that he can further increase by drawing upon outside energy sources; Apocalypse was shown to be strong enough to physically restrain the Hulk, while the Hulk was separated from Banner and explicitly lacked the ability to increase his strength with his rage, but also had a stronger base level. Hence, Apocalypse is above the "Class 100" limit.

[*]Superhuman Speed: He is able to speed up his reflexes and reaction time.

[*]Superhuman Durability: Apocalypse is highly resistant to injury. With the Celestial modifications, this resistance to harm is amplified.

[*]Psionic Manipulation: At various times Apocalypse has demonstrated differing but vast levels of mental capacity.

  • Telekinesis: Apocalypse possesses telekinetic abilities enabling him to levitate himself, or others, by sheer force of will and manipulate living beings, inanimate objects, and to some extent energy, psionically.

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  • Flight: Apocalypse can enable himself to fly, by either transforming his arms into wings, jets, or through telekinetic use. He can achieve supersonic velocity in this manner.

[*]Telepathy: He's also an accomplished mentalist of undefined extent. An example of his power would be him battling a weakened Jean Grey (a vastly powerful telepath in her own right) within the psyche space of Baby Nathan and win.

  • [b]Telepathic Control & Manipulation:
    He's able to project his own thoughts and memories or read those of others in order to glean and impart whatever information he desires from them.

  • Cyberpathy: Thanks to his synergy with the Celestial Technology bonded to him, due in part to his paradoxical jaunt of afflicting Cable with the T.O Virus, Apocalypse gained the ability to mentally link with and control most any kind of tech and machinery he could reach out too.


Self-Molecular Manipulation: Apocalypse has control over the molecular structure of his own body and can alter it at will. This means he can adapt his molecular structure to adversity. Apocalypse can perform the following feats:

  • Biomorphing: Apocalypse is also a non-terrestrial metamorph, able to elongate like taffy, change into machinery, separate & reattach his own body parts, and even alter his physical appearance at will to blend in with the world around him.

  • Healing factor: Apocalypse's control over his bodily molecules allows for his regenerative abilities. But Apocalypse when sustaining immense amount of damage that not even he can heal, he can enter a coma-like state of suspended animation during which he may recover from any wounds with the assistance of his Celestial technology.

  • Size Alteration: Apocalypse is able to change his size at will; he can increase or decrease the size of his body by taking on additional mass or ridding of it from a presumably extra-dimensional source.

  • Self-Power Bestowal: Due to En Sabah's total control over his molecular and sub-molecular structure, further bolstered by the Celestial technology augmenting him, he can also consciously or spontaneously grant himself with a wide array of new superpowers at will.

[*]Celestial Energy Manipulation: Apocalypse seems to have a range of energy harnessing and projecting capabilities, either naturally derived or based on Celestial technology built into his physical frame. He can use these metaphysical forces to accomplish a great many facilities; such as illusion & memory conjuration, matter reconstruction, healing as well as total physical restoration of damaged or destroyed bodily tissues.

  • Energy Blasts: Apocalypse can project raw destructive energy from anywhere on his person, be it as concussive blasts from extremities or even full body energy waves.

  • Energy Absorption: He can also absorb energy from outside sources to augment both himself and his overall power.

  • Energy Transfer: In his time as Murshir, En Sabah found he could share his celestial force with other individuals to enhance their abilities. Similar to how Galactus imparts his power cosmic upon a chosen herald.

Jean Grey's Powers

[*]Empathy: Jean has shown to have incredibly strong empathic powers that enable her to control, manipulate and alter the feelings, sensations, and emotions of others.

[*]Telepathy: Jean is the most notable, powerful and skilled telepath in the entire Marvel Universe. She is an Omega Level Telepath, who is able to read thoughts, project and broadcast her own thoughts, as well as interact with, affect and even manipulate the minds of humans and animals with higher order intelligence (such as dolphins, ravens or dogs). Her range has naturally increased, having demonstrated the ability to link with every mutant mind on Krakoa and reach out to all active members of the X-Men around the world.

  • Telepathic Defense: She can manifest her telepathy in a number of defensive ways.

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  • Telepathic Cloak: She can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other psions and Cerebro-type devises. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful psychics may notice and 'see' through this ability.

  • Cloak Mind: Ability to rearrange the “mental engrams” of mutants so their distinctive mutant thought patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devises or by other telepaths.

  • Psychic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and the minds of others.

  • Telepathic Illusions: She can create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring. Her illusions can also inflect pain on others, making them near flawless. This was later proven when Karnak took 3 days to find a flaw in one of her mindscapes.

  • Telepathic Camouflage: She can alter the apparent physical appearance of herself and other people by altering the perceptions of those around her. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). A limit, if one exists, is only imposed by the number of people she is trying to fool, not the number of people she is camouflaging.


[*]Telepathic Manipulation: She can manipulate other people's minds easily, achieving a variety of effects.

  • Memory Alteration: She can erase, implant, restore or alter the memory of others.

  • Mind Control: She can control the thoughts and actions of others.

  • Mind Possession: She can possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as her own.

  • Personality Alteration: She can alter the minds of others by force of will, thus permanently changing their personality partially or entirely.

  • Mental Paralysis: She can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.

  • Mental Amnesia: She can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.

  • Mind Transferal: She can transfer both her mind and powers into other host bodies if her own physical body was somehow killed.

  • Heal Trauma: She has the ability to erase a person’s memories and to heal mental trauma through “psychic surgery,” as well as the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain.

  • Mental Sedating: Can telepathically "sedate" her victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as she continues to "sedate" them.

  • Neural Jumpstart: She can increase the speed of neural signals in the brain, which could increase another mutant's powers to incredible levels, but the effect was only temporary.

  • Dilate Power: Ability to place “psychic inhibitors” in the minds of mutant adversaries to prevent them from using their powers.

  • Mind Link: She can bond others minds allowing them to communicate telepathically between them.

    Inter-Dimensional Telepathy: Jean was able to communicate with Cable while he was in the dimension of Otherworld, something Xavier thought was impossible to do.

[*]Psychic Blast: She can project psychic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind, causing them pain, knocking them unconsciousness or turning the victim "brain-dead".

[*]Astral Projection: She can project her astral form from her body onto the Astral Plane or the physical plane. In the physical plane she can travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others through time.

[*]Temporal Telepathy: Jean has been shown to be able to read, control and track minds through time, allowing her to affect events in the past, as well as sending her consciousness as well as wolverine’s through time as well.

[*]Mental Detection: She can sense the presence of another superhuman mutant within a small but as yet undefined radius of herself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.

[*]Telekinesis: Projection of psychokinetic energy enables her to levitate objects, propel or manipulate them however she wishes, lift herself and move through the air to simulate flight, stimulate individual molecules to create heat, generate concussive force as blasts or bursts, and create protective shields.

[*]Force Field: She can create a telekinetic field to either shield her and her teammates or use it to lift multiple heavy objects at her enemy.

[*]Tactile Telekinesis: She has the power to utilize a personal force field of telekinetic energy.

[*]Matter Transmutation: She can manipulate and transmute matter on a sub-atomic level (e.g., turning wood into gold, plant into crystal, and cause physical bodies to disintegrate by altering their molecular structure, etc).

[*]Telekinetic Weapons: She can create psionic weapons and constructs out of psychic energy that damage a target either physically, mentally or both in some point. The versatility of this ability was greatly enhanced after training with Psylocke.

[*]Temporal Telekinesis: Jean has been able to use her telekinetic abilities through time by projecting her astral form in different points in the time stream.