


Sentinels of the Multiverse

Apostate's powers and abilities

Mistrust - Apostate draws his power from the corruption and mistrust he spreads in his wake, making him the inverse of Fanatic. The more lies Apostate can spread and the more chaos he can sow, the more powerful he will become.

Hellfire - Apostate wields power over both normal fire and hellfire, using them to engulf entire nations in a sea of flames.

Soul Absorption - Apostate can also draw power from absorbing the souls of his victims. Particularly powerful and/or broken individuals are worth more to him.

Demonic Summons - Apostate is able to summon forth legions of his demonic followers by performing a short ritual.

Corruptor State - Apostate can enter his Dark Corruptor state when he's been pushed into a corner. This state grants him ranged energy blasts and energy manipulation while also steadily healing the wounds he may have picked up in addition to boosting his physical strength. This state drains his stamina quickly, so he can only maintain it for short bursts.