
Amadeus Cho

Amadeus Cho

Prime Marvel Universe

Amadeus Cho's powers and abilities

  • Hulk Physiology: Using an array of nanobots derived from technology created by the Leader, Amadeus Cho altered the structure of his cells to allow them to contain and use gamma energy. Initially, Amadeus possessed powers similar to his predecessor, Bruce Banner. When his Hulk personality took over, Amadeus was injected with another type of nanobots that were supposed to break down the Sternbots. These counter-bots were concentrated in Amadeus' brain, and were intended to cause him to lose a portion of his powers; however, they were also designed to allow Amadeus to direct them, so he instead used them to merge with the Hulk persona and assume a smaller and slimmer form.

  • Superhuman Strength: Amadeus possesses superhuman strength which can rival the likes of Hulk and Thing. He has shrugged off several monsters, each one of them was as strong as She-Hulk. He has also defeated the Fin Fang Foom and Black Panther's Hulkbuster armor. He can also block hits from Jane Foster Thor quite easily and can crumple secondary adamantium with his bare fists.

  • Superhuman Durability: Amadeus can resist hits from powerhouses like Hulk, Thing, Fin Fang Foom, Devil Dinosaur. He can tank explosions that can easily obliterate secondary adamantium. He no-sells Wolverine's bone claws with his own strength behind them to the point where they shatter on his skin. He has tanked the strongest nuclear weapon ever detonated in human history, the Tsar Bomba.

  • Superhuman Stamina: Amadeus can fight for hours without tiring. Amadeus can also fight powerhouses like Thing for a long time, though his stamina wears down over time. Thing and Amadeus both are pretty close in stamina since both stalemated each other and got tired out at the same time.

  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Like Bruce, Amadeus is known to possess regenerative haling factor. It has helped him to heal up from multiple stabs of X-23 very quickly and can even heal from the explosion of the strongest nuclear weapon, Tsar Bomba in seconds.

  • Rage Form: While his current physiology is statistically weaker than that of his original Hulk transformation, Cho has shown he can reobtain said levels of strength, albeit temporarily, whenever he truly succumbs to his rage. When this occurs, Cho bulks up into a larger, burlier more destructive form which can cause massive tidal waves and shake the earth at its peak.

  • Abilities

  • Super-Genius Intelligence: Amadeus Cho�??s mind operates like a hypercomputer, capable of rapidly and without mechanical aid perform an infinite number of unimaginable complex and simultaneous calculations, in his mind with minimal stimuli. He can quickly, simultaneously and perfectly analyze multiple information streams (e.g. threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, by identifying the variables and quantum possibilities in any situation, and he uses this information to adjust the outcome to whichever is most favorable to him. Because his mind operates like a hypercomputer; he can process information quickly and this gives him a hyper-accelerated learning aptitude. He also possesses limitless information storage and retrieval, enhanced pattern solving/recognition, extremely high perception, and observational skills, perfect deductive/reasoning skills and investigative skills, superhuman strategic/tactical analytical skills, and an eidetic memory (meaning that he never forgets anything and has perfect recall).

    His hyper mind also makes him one of the most intelligent people on the planet, ranking him somewhere in the top ten smartest beings alongside Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Dr. Doom and Hank McCoy. The Eternal Ajak believes that Cho is actually more intelligent than some immortals, and he has claimed to Athena, who says that intelligence is essentially "pattern recognition," that he sees patterns better than 99.999999993% of people on Earth.

  • Skilled Hacker: He is a skilled hacker; he was able to locate Edwin Jarvis hacking into his GPS from a normal computer a great distance away.

Amadeus Cho's weaknesses

  • Accelerated Metabolism: Performing mental calculations in rapid succession costs him immense amounts of energy leaves him exhausted and famished, requiring him to consume large amounts of food thereafter.