Alexander Harris (Half-Vampire)

Alexander Harris (Half-Vampire)

Universe without Shrimp

Alexander Harris's History

Half-Vampire Life

Giles took his body to a bed while Jennifer Calendar performed a ritual that contained the then vampiric Xander within a protective circle. He was still between death and demon, so the Scoobies began their search for the Anima Colligationem, a relic capable of tethering a soul to the stone itself. As Buffy and Willow mourned him, Xander woke up joking in his usual manner, until his demon then suddenly surfaced, and Xander talked crudely and threatened his friends while in his new vamp face. The two girls began a journey after the soul tie stone, created by the Siphon from the sacrifice of half of Willow's soul. With his connection with Drusilla, Xander was able to see that the hellmouth would swallow them all, and the Mistress had the key to enslave every soul. He woke up crying and told Giles they were all going to die.

After his ensoulement, Xander returned to school as normal, despite packing pig blood in a thermos for lunch. He described his new state as "half vamp-half human," and identified as such by his friends. With Buffy away to deal with the open hellmouth, Xander patrolled alone, staking vampires that smelled his human scent and considered him a traitor who would eventually give in to his demon.

Meanwhile, the Hellmother's power grew over the male population of Sunnydale; both male humans and vampires were becoming angry and impulsive, but the darkness only partially affected Xander when in his human face due to his unique condition. On a patrol with Willow, he was initially attacked by the new Slayer Kendra Young, until she learned about Xander's situation as an ensouled vampire. Suddenly, Robin and a number of men and vampires formed a hive mind army in the cemetery ready to attack those in their way.

Anyanka appeared and guided Xander, Willow, and Kendra away from the army to the Tunaverse, where Xander fought the oncoming men, but only Willow's magic powers would be able to stop them. He noticed his best friend was being consumed by her own power, which Anya explained that was due the soul tie leaving her, like Xander, struggling between two worlds. Only Xander could reverse it, so he waited for Anya's signal to do so. Xander sacrificed his soul back to Willow and said goodbye. The army of men fell, the remaining Scoobies left to rescue Buffy and defeat the Hellmother, and Xander was not among them.


His friends grieved his absence, while Xander, as a soulless vampire, became the leader of a group of demons and vampires hidden under Sunnydale. He soon acted sending an Edera demon to divide the Slayers, and was pleased that the attack also resulted on the hospitalization of one of the Scoobies, Rose Martinez.

Xander then revealed himself to the Scoobies, who believed him to be dead. One night, he sent Buffy a message asking "Missed me?" and appeared at Jenny's door, hurt and claiming to having been attacked, so she ushered him inside. He then sent a message to Giles asking him to come over to Jenny's house, where he had started a fire. He fought off both Buffy and Kendra, and was able to escape.