
Team AquamanvsTeam Hulk

Created by Jakcj


raerae22 4 mo 6 d
Team Aquaman - vs - Team Hulk
20 months member
Team Hulk Aqua man vs Captain Marvel and Aqua man wins.
Batman vs Ironman and Ironman wins.
Hulk and Thor would work together to take down Superman.
Iron man vs Cyborg would be very close, but I think it will go to Cyborg, but he is extremely damaged.
Spider man and Captain America could work together to take down Cyborg.
Spider man and Captain America would just die instantly.
Thor and Hulk vs Flash and Wonder Woman I think Thor and Hulk wins.
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Team Aquaman - vs - Team Hulk
40 months member
Team Hulk Captain Marvel beats Aquaman
BlotskyA 7 mo 8 d
Team Aquaman - vs - Team Hulk
57 months member
Team Hulk Batman* vs Captain America
Superman vs Thor*
Wonder Woman vs Captain Marvel*
The Flash vs Spider-Man*
Aquaman vs Hulk*
Cyborg* vs Iron Man

then it's
Batman & Cyborg vs The Rest of the Avengers*

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