
Team AquamanvsTeam Hulk

Created by SirSpidey


MaseTheFace 3 y 3 d
Team Aquaman - vs - Team Hulk
36 months member
Team Aquaman Black Pather beats Bats.
Superman beats Thor by a hair.
Hulk barely beats Wonder Woman
Cyborg vs Vision is close but I feel like Vision would come out on top.
Iceman beats Aquaman.
Green Lantern stomps Spiderman.
Supes rips Vison apart
GL Stomps Black Panther
Gl takes out Ice Man and help Superman with Hulk

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Team Aquaman - vs - Team Hulk
76 months member
Team Aquaman Superman doesn't rip Vision apart. Vision would make a great fight with Superman. Right after a battle with Silver Surfer, Surfer stated Vision's strength is near his own. Vision has fought and overpowered Wonder Man multiple times. Vision has also easily defeated Jane Foster's Thor and Sam Alexander's Nova. Vision has fought Ultron multiple times. I do agree with Superman defeating Vision, but it will be close.
MaseTheFace 3 y 3 d
Team Aquaman - vs - Team Hulk
36 months member
Team Aquaman Wasn't Vision ripped apart by She-Hulk? If she can do that Superman definitely can.

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