
Ptilol (Sailor Moon) & Cyprine (Sailor Moon)vsXiao Wu (Douluo Verse) & Tang San (Douluo Verse)

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xrpl320 25 d
Ptilol (Sailor Moon) & Cyprine (Sailor Moon) - vs - Xiao Wu (Douluo Verse) & Tang San (Douluo Verse)
44 months member
Ptilol (Sailor Moon) & Cyprine (Sailor Moon) Cyprine & Ptilol were so powerful that they forced Usagi to become Super Sailor Moon (Holy Grail Transformation) for the first time.

Their Power Level was 999 more than twice that of another Witch (Tellu) who had already tanked an energy attack from the (old- not-yet-upgraded) Silver Crystal.

Even that old- not-yet-upgraded Silver Crystal had vaporized a Planet / Black Hole named Nemesis in a previous Story Arc.

All of this explanation is here so people who don't know the series can understand why Top Tier Characters from the Infinity Arc (like Cyprine / Ptilol) scale AT LEAST to Planet / Black Hole Level, because attacks of "only" that scale would leave them unfazed.

They've got very powerful Hax on top of that, of course.

E.g. Cyprine / Ptilol can cause rainfall in a very big perimeter which brainwashes anyone who gets hit by it, making their enemies fight against each other even when they were allies.
Last edited: 25 d ago.

Voting feed

Voted neutral.
Ptilol (Sailor Moon) & Cyprine (Sailor Moon) win!
Ptilol (Sailor Moon) & Cyprine (Sailor Moon) win!