
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)

Created by Rajneesh26477, 7 mo 3 d ago.

A new thread for all the characters which are kinda underrated or gets much hate.
Please start the thread by writing the name first and feats in the reply box.
Try not posting a picture of the character and mention the universe of the character.

Previous Topic: Respect Threads


amaltaas 12 d
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
3 months member
Galacta, Gali (Earth-TRN855)
show 5 replies
amaltaas 12 d
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
3 months member
Seeing as she's only appeared in 2 issues, decided to make a tiny little respect thread:

Power Cosmic, and a Godlike Cosmic Omnivore

Possesses the Power Cosmic and is described as being a 'Godlike Cosmic Omnivore', similarly to Galactus:

Described as godlike again, possesses cosmic awareness, described as less omniscient (probably hyperbole):

Described as Cosmic Omnivore again:
amaltaas 12 d
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
3 months member
Easily cures a pathogen completely unknown to humans:

Has Cosmic Awareness, described as nigh-omniscient, and having access to infinite amounts of knowledge:

Described as nigh-omniscient again: