
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)

Created by Rajneesh26477gmailcom, 4 mo 2 d ago.

A new thread for all the characters which are kinda underrated or gets much hate.
Please start the thread by writing the name first and feats in the reply box.
Try not posting a picture of the character and mention the universe of the character.

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Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
41 months member
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
13 months member
Last edited: 8 d ago.
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Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
13 months member
Strength(both lifting and striking):

1.Hits Crimson Dynamo with the “equivalent of a solid steel ball traveling at 3,500 feet per second”

2.swings a helicopter to another

3. Draws some blood from sentry

4. Destroys one of his own drones that was beating up namor

5. easily lifts one of his suits as well as the thing, something ben found difficult, yet tony managed to lift it all the way to space.

6.Catches the suit from the previous feat while it was falling at a terminal velocity of 200 kilometers per hour

7. His punches can create shockwaves.

8. stops a large vehicle even Spider-Man couldn't stop with his own webs.

9. knocked out she hulk.

10. matches Doctor Doom

11.Iron Man Pulled Five Battleships Across The Ocean.(a single battle ships weights around 35,000-45,000 Tons BTW
He was basically lifting 175,000-225,000 Tons[did some research on battle ships weight] )

12. Punched Through A Vibranium/Adamantium Sphere Containing Stark Scientists

13.Beats Magneto while he is amped by the magnetic fields of several planets

14.Manhandles Red Hulk . Also a weaponry and speed feat.

15. staggers hulk

and again

16.Brawl against Taurus

who knocked out Thor with a few blows.

17. beats up the hulk and also blasts him(add this to weaponry)
Last edited: 21 d ago.