
Ethical Dilemmas

Created by Mr_Incognito, 3 y 2 mo 2 d ago.

Post an ethical dilemma and see how others respond.


masterking2 3 y 1 mo 13 d
Ethical Dilemmas
39 months member
you are given two choices to live beyond the universe with or pick someone else to
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Tyrannus 3 y 1 mo 12 d
Ethical Dilemmas
62 months member
We don't know if its a good or bad thing
Savage 3 y 1 mo 14 d
Ethical Dilemmas
42 months member
@Tyrannus @Mr_Incognito @AaronZeki @Dhruv
Trolley Problem part 2
A trolley is about to hit 2 people. You are standing on a building above it, looking down on the scene. Next to you stands a fat man. You can push the man of the building, and he will be enough to stop the trolley and only he dies. Nothing else will stop the trolley, so if you don't push the man the other two people will die. Do you push the man?