
Comic Reviews

Created by DarkProdigy, 5 y 3 mo 4 d ago.

This is a place where you can keep/post your comic reviews.


Jongensoden 2 y 10 mo 1 h 10 m
Comic Reviews
81 months member
Batman Riddler factory 8/10 really liked the story and this Interpretation of the Riddler overall a very good read altough there was not enough Batman in it.
Jongensoden 2 y 10 mo 22 h 19 m
Comic Reviews
81 months member
Batman faces 5/10 the story was lame and made no sense altough i like matt wagner his art so its atleast 5/10
MaseTheFace 2 y 11 mo 25 d
Comic Reviews
37 months member
Review of Martian Manhunter's new 52 books 1 & 2.

Over all rating 9/10

The plot was difficult to understand at first but I eventually understood what was happening. The characters were funny and relatable, Martian Manhunter is actually funny but he isn't funny on purpose which is a good detail because he doesn't really understand Earth humor. It was nice to see Martian Manhunter get some spotlight since he's always playing second fiddle to Superman.