Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle

Jaime Reyes

DC Universe


Isaacbobanka07 5 mo 25 d
Blue Beetle
21 months member
@monster he is missing many abilities

Transformation: The suit is symbiotically integrated to it’s host body and cells which allows Jaime to assemble the armor over himself by thought or the A.I. automatically
activates it for protection when endangered.

Electrokinesis: The armor has the power to generate and manipulate electrokinetic energy which can empower Rayes when activated. It allows him to control and project significant beams of electricity for attacks channeling through the weapons he wields for a more unique efficiency.

Multilingualism: He knows multiple langues

intelligence: Reyes has a degree in pre-law, being the first in his family to graduate college. His sister stated that he always lands on his feet. Jenny Kord offered him a position at Kord Industries.

Emp generation: managed to create an emp to protect his family

He should also be atleast tier 4 since the scarab was able to destroy a planet in the first scene (
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MoNsTeR 5 mo 25 d
Blue Beetle
49 months member
he's nowhere near tier 4 even that's true he never shown planetary feat
Blue Beetle
41 months member
Saw his movie yesterday and can't wait for his future in DCU