
top 5 least favourite games

Created by ultron, 10 mo 6 d ago.

doesnt have to be in a specific order


barbaracollado 2 mo 3 d
top 5 least favourite games
2 months member
Hello, here is my list:
1. Five Nights at Freddys (Game tries to be scary, but jumpscares are too predictable.)
2. Starbound
3. Minecraft (The game got bland after a while.)
4. Final Fantasy 8 (Dunno what to say about this one. I felt like it's story was very lack luster, and I did not enjoy the gameplay that much.)r
5. geometry dash scratch: Well, this game is addictive, but it's too hard for me. If you are finding something thrilling, you can try it.
Last edited: 2 mo 3 d ago.
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ultron 2 mo 3 d
top 5 least favourite games
72 months member
very intresting list, i do agree with fnaf like the 1st and 3rd games where pretty good but the rest are just meh, especialy the newer ones (secuirty breach) i do have to sau that the vr games are pretty fun i have only played them once though.
CleoFuller 8 mo 25 d
top 5 least favourite games
13 months member
Thanks for sharing your top 5 least favorite games and your honest opinions about them. It's intriguing to hear your perspective on each game's glitches, combat mechanics, and overall experience. Different games resonate differently with people, and it's great that you're vocal about what you enjoy and don't enjoy.
I can understand how glitches and lack of detail can be a frustrating aspect of a game. When a game doesn't meet your expectations, it can definitely impact the overall experience.
If you're interested in exploring new gaming horizons or enhancing your current gameplay, you might want to consider checking out 롤대리 . They offer various gaming services that could provide you with fresh perspectives and strategies, which could potentially change your perception of certain games.
Last edited: 8 mo 24 d ago.