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Silver surfer can seal his opponents inside his surfboard.
A simple discharge of energy from the silver surfer creates a black hole,  making impossible for thanos to reach him.
Silver Surfer humiliates Mefisto in his own realm.
Silver Surfer can Go any time to the microverse.
Silver surfer turned the wolverine into a chicken.
Fallen One Kills Cosmic Ghost Rider with just one hit
Fallen One vs Old Hulk
SIlver Surfer Black #1
Silver Surfer in astral plane.
dormammu invokes chthon
dormammu invoking chthon.
(Can see past, present and future at the same time
Silver Surfer (Worthy)
Runner vs Silver Surfer
Runner (Marvel Hero Data Base)
Runner humiliating the silver surfer.
Runner stealing the silver surfer's board.
Runner stealing the silver surfer's board.
wanda gets a knockout by Jane foster thor.
Wanda vs dr Strange
Chthon cannot use all of his power, only a portion.
Only Chthon Remains...
Chthon vs Pietro Maximoff
logan fighting alongside the captain america.
logan fighting alongside the captain america.
Steve Rogers calls the Hulk logan.
Wolverine hulk first aparition.
surfer is separated from robbert reynolds.
Silver Sentry vs Void part 3
Silver Sentry vs void part 2
Silver Sentry vs void part 1
Knull survives even within a sun created by the silver surfer (the sun of zen-la).
knull manipulating the void, creating a sword from nothing.
Silver surfer having difficulty escaping from knull part 2
surfer having difficulty escaping from knull part 1
Silver surfer and Robbert reynolds (sentry) are called silver sentry
Silver Surfer and Robbert Reynolds are merged