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0 months member
Fantastic Four I still don't know how to add images :( If anyone can't reach that link, it depicts the Thing punching Thanos.
0 months member
Fantastic Four I think FF win. With prep time, there is no competition, because Reed has weapons that can crush Omni-Man. No prep time, I think they still win. The Thing has fought Thanos and Hulk (separately) and held his own, who could both beat Omni-Man to a pulp.

AND if the rest of the three can hold him still for a while and distract him, Susan can destroy his organs with a inter force field or give him an aneurysm.
If they can distract him for a while, Reeds just needs a little while to get his weapons, which can surely KO Omni-Man.
Johnny isn't too powerful but he could probably combat Omni-Man for a while, and he has protection because he turns into plasma.
0 months member
Poison Ivy (Rebirth) She can make armor and can poison him. The armor should be able to balance out his heat vision.