Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 50799 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Rowdy Ronda RouseyRonda RouseyLegends
- Rowena MacLeodSupernatural
- Rowena RavenclawWizarding World
- Roxanne EliptonFreezing
- Roxanne GilbertRoxanne GilbertEarth-616
- Roxanne WolfFNAF
- Roxie SparksCriminal Case
- Roxxon ThorThor OdinsonEarth-616
- Roxy HartBoG
- Roxy MigurdiaRoxy M. GreyratMushoku Tensei
- Roxy RichterRoxy Richter
- Roxy RocketRoxanne SuttonDCAU
- Roxy RocketRoxanne SuttonNew Earth
- Roy Batty
- Roy Depape
- Roy GribblestonDHMIS
- Roy KoopaRoy KoopaMario
- Roy MustangFMA
- Roy PulsipherRoycephus Roy PulsipherR.I.P.D.
- Roy RevengeKelleyEarth-2
- Royal BlueEarth-616
- Royal PainGwen GraysonSky High
- Royal RipperOPM
- Royce GracieBaki
- Royd LiyoldBleach
- Roz SolomonEarth-616
- Rozetta PierreCriminal Case
- Rubber SoulJJBA
- Rubberband ManAdam EvansNew Earth
- Ruben MorrisVD
- Rubeus HagridRubeus HagridWizarding World
- Rubeus Hagrid (Books)Rubeus HagridWizarding World
- Ruby BartlettJames Bond
- Ruby Eye ShabranigdoRuby Eye ShabranigdoSlayers
- Ruby HaleRuby HaleMCU
- Ruby RoundhouseJumanji
- Ruby Ryder
- Ruby SummersRuby SummersEarth-1191
- Ruby TōjōR+V
- Ruby ThursdayThursday RubinsteinEarth-616
- Ruby WeaponFF VII
- Rudbornn CheluteRudbornn CheluteBleach
- Rudeus GreyratRudeus GreyratMushoku Tensei
- Rudi RatRudi RatteTom Turbo
- Rudol Von StroheimJJBA
- Rudolf UshiromiyaUmineko Verse
- Rudolph LanchesterBoG
- Rudolph ValentinoAhs
- Rudy GillenMonster
- Rudy GillespieRudolph GillespieKI
- Rudy ReyesDCU
- Rudy RoughknightRudy RoughknightWild Arms
- Rudy WarburtonRudy WarburtonTWD
- Rufus ScrimgeourWizarding World
- Rufus TurnerSupernatural
- Rufus WhedonRufus WhedonLocke And Key
- Ruga KaizuCv
- Rugal BernsteinRugal BernsteinKOF (Live Action)
- Ruijerd SuperdiaRuijerd SuperdiaMushoku Tensei
- Ruiko SatenToaru Universe
- Ruki MukamiDiabolik Lovers
- Rukia KuchikiBleach
- Rukia KuchikiJumpForce
- Rumble McSkirmishGravity Falls
- Rumi HidakaPerfect Blue
- Rumi TashiroShiki
- Rumi WakasaDetective Conan
- Rumia UruKakegurui
- Ruminas ValentineTensura
- Rumormonger AliceDorohedoro
- Runa UrumiOP
- Rune HaakoStar Wars
- Rune King ThorThor OdinsonEarth-616
- Runner AlienXenomorphAlien
- Runo MisakiBakugan
- Rupert GilesBTVS UwoS
- Rupert GilesBTVS UwoS
- Rupert GilesBTVS U37
- Rupert GilesSlayers
- Rupert Giles (Fyarl demon)Buffy
- Rupert KesserlingLOGH
- Rupert ThorneNew Earth
- Rupert VardemusVD
- Rupert WinchesterCriminal Case
- Ruphus MafahlRuphus MafahlAWLBA
- Ruri FuenKakegurui
- Ruruta CoozancoonaTatakau Shisho
- Rusalka SchwagerinSB
- Rushuna TendoGrenadier
- Russell CraneCriminal Case
- Russo-ISCStar Wars
- Rusty RandolphRusty RandolphEarth-616
- Rusty RyanRobert RyanOcean's 11
- Ruta SkadiRuta SkadiHDM
- Rute GunnayStar Wars
- Ruth CastelioneEarth-90214
- Rutherford WinnerEarth-616
- RUZ.TRUZ.TGrounded
- RX-78-2 (OASIS)
- Ry?biSenran Kagura
- Ry?kiSenran Kagura
- Ry?naSenran Kagura
- Ryan ButcherRyan ButcherThe Boys 2019
- Ryan ChoiArrowverse
- Ryan Choi (Snyder Cut)DCEU
- Ryan ClarkeVD
- Ryan Cooper (Street King)NFS
- Ryan FletcherRyan FletcherNikita
- Ryan WalkerM X4
- Ryō MashibaHajime No Ippo
- Ryō UtagawaBleach
- Ryūhō KamoK
- Ryūji KanzakiCOTE
- Ryūnosuke AkutagawaBSD
- Ryūto AsamiyaKenIchi
- Rykard, Lord Of BlasphemyThe Elden Ring
- Ryley RobinsonRyley RobinsonSubnautica
- Ryner LuteRyner LuteTLotLH
- Ryo SaebaRyo SaebaCity Hunter
- Ryo SaebaJumpForce
- Ryo SakazakiKOF
- Ryo ShimazakiRyo ShimazakiMP100
- Ryo ShiranuiATSA
- Ryo UtsugiDevilman Crybaby
- Ryohei UedaVagabond
- Ryoko HakubiRyoko HakubiTenchi Muyo
- Ryoko KawashigiNana
- Ryoma HoshiDanganronpa
- Ryosuke KagaBoku-H
- Ryosuke TakahashiInitial D
- Ryouko FueguchiTokyo Ghoul
- Ryouko ShinozakiShinozaki Ry?koGantz
- Ryouko TakamuraHell Girl
- Ryousuke IkechiTomodachi Game
- Ryu HayabusaNinja Gaiden
- Ryu HyeonbokGOH
- Ryu IshigoriJJK
- Ryu ShizukaBakuman
- Ryuji AyukawaBlue Period
- Ryuji GodaRyuji GodaYakuza
- Ryuji OtogiYu-Gi-Oh!
- Ryuji SuguroBlue Exorcist Universe
- Ryuji YamazakiKOF
- Ryuken IshidaRyuken IshidaBleach
- Ryuko MatoiRyuko MatoiKill La Kill
- Ryunosuke TanakaHaikyu!!
- Ryusei TanedaTomodachi Game
- Ryusei YanagiDevils' Line
- Ryutarou OyamaCv
- Ryuuji NomotoRainbow
- Ryuuji ShimizuShiki
- Ryuuji TokuraBaki
- Ryuukou YanagiBaki
- Ryuunosuke DoiBlue Exorcist Universe
- Ryuushou SoBaki
- Ryuusui MikadoSB
- Ryuzu MyoujinCv
- S'aru The ProctorS'aruNew Earth
- S'ivaaS'ivaaNew Earth
- S-01Earth-TRN376
- S-01Earth-TRN376
- S-01Earth-TRN376
- S-02Earth-TRN376
- S-02Earth-TRN376
- S-ShaE-ShaNeptunia
- S.H.A.Z.A.M.Pedro Pe�a
- S.H.A.Z.A.M.Darla Dudley
- S.H.A.Z.A.M.Eugene ChoiNew Earth
- S.T.R.I.P.E.Patrick DuganArrowverse
- S.T.R.I.P.E.Patrick DuganNew Earth
- S?ichir? HagueFire Force
- S?jiSenran Kagura
- S?jir? SetaRKFS
- Sab Than
- Sab ThanJC12M
- Saber AthenaPacific Rim
- Saber Of BlackSiegfriedNasuverse
- Saber Of RedMordred PendragonNasuverse
- Saber RiderSaber Rider
- Saber(Fate/Stay Night)Artoria PendragonNasuverse
- Sabin Rene FigaroFF VI
- Sabina WilsonCharlie's Angels
- Sabine WrenSabine WrenStar Wars
- Sabine WrenSWL
- Sabrina DuncanSabrina DuncanCharlie's Angels
- Sabrina GlevissigWitcher 2019
- Sabrina SpellmanArchie Horror
- Sabrina SpellmanSTTW
- Sabrina SpellmanArchieverse
- Sabrina Spellman (Herald of Hell)Sabrina SpellmanCAOS
- Sabrina Spellman (Post-Dark Baptism)Sabrina SpellmanCAOS
- Sabrina Spellman (Power Of The Void)Archieverse
- Sabrina Spellman (Pre-Dark Baptism)Sabrina SpellmanCAOS
- Sabrina Spellman (Under Order of Hecate)Sabrina SpellmanCAOS
- Sabuko TokugawaBaki
- Saburōta BandōK
- Saburo TabuchiPlatinum End
- Saburota TodoBlue Exorcist Universe
- Sachiko JurakuKakegurui
- Sachiko KawamuraNana
- Sachiko TanakaShiki
- Sacred AncestorVHDN
- Sadafumi TamoShiki
- Sadaichi TamoShiki
- Sadao MaouSadao MaouTDisaPT
- Sadayo SuzumuraSuzumura SadayoGantz
- Saddle RagerFluttershyMLP
- Sadie AdlerRDR
- Sadie KaneSadie KanePJO
- Sadie RhodesSadie RhodesGhosted
- Sae NiijimaSMT
- Saeko BusujimaHoD
- Saeko NogamiCity Hunter
- Saelt-MaraeStar Wars
- Saemon KisaragiBasilisk
- Saesee TiinStar Wars
- Safari JoeThundercats
- Safi'jiivaMH
- Saga AndersonSaga AndersonAlan Wake
- Sage CentipedeOPM
- Sage Force (Negative)Bashir MalikArrowverse
- Sage Of A Thousand EyesCladia AreliusWillverse
- Sage Of Red FaithWillverse
- Sage Of The Endless SwordTimaias AdamaWillverse
- Sage Of The Frozen BladeMin ShueiWillverse
- Sage Of The Silver HeartAkura CharityWillverse
- Sage YulyanaSage YulyanaBS
- Sagitta PtolemySagitta PtolemySaint Seiya
- Sagittarius AiolosSaint Seiya
- Sagittarius Gestalt
- Sagittarius Of The ArcherSagittariusAWLBA
- Sagittarius SeiyaSaint Seiya
- Sagittarius Sisyphus
- Sahara WakasaSahara WakasaMSNS
- Sahashi MinatoSekirei
- Sahbmad SalujaMagi
- Saiga HakubaCv
- Saigou TokumoriGintama
- Saiki KSaiki KusuoSaiki Kusuo No Psi-nan
- Saiki K (No Limiters)Saiki KusuoSaiki Kusuo No Psi-nan
- Saiko YonebayashiTokyo Ghoul
- Sailor Aluminum SirenSailor Moon
- Sailor ChiSailor Moon
- Sailor Chibi MoonChibiusa TsukinoSailor Moon
- Sailor CosmosSailor Moon
- Sailor GalaxiaSailor Moon
- Sailor Heavy Metal PapillonSailor Moon
- Sailor Iron MouseSailor Moon
- Sailor JohnMotU
- Sailor JupiterMakoto KinoSailor Moon
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