


universe Ultra Series Universe

Zaragas's powers and abilities

Adaptation - Zaragas adapts as it is hit by energy or weapon-based attacks, making him immune to damage from that specific attack in the future. This also causes it to grow in strength and sprout spikes from its body, which can emit lightning.

Horn - Prior to amassing power from its absorption ability, Zaragas's primary attack implement is its horn. It can use this to both gore an opponent and fire a potent energy beam from it.

Fire Breathing - Zaragas can breath powerful jets of fire from its mouth.

Blinding Flash - Zaragas can emit blinding flashes of light from its body.

Meteor Travel - To travel through space, a Zaragas can encase itself in a meteor.

Zaragas's weaknesses

Adaptation Time - Immediately after being struck with a new attack, Zaragas must take a moment to fully utilize its adaptive powers.