

universe Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yuri's History

Yuri was an orphan, having no memory of his parents or his life. As a boy, he was enrolled into Duel Academy, though he had difficulty making friends due to his strong methods of dueling. One day, while sitting on a bench watching the other students greet newcomer Alexis Rhodes, he met Celina and Leo Akaba, who told him of his crucial role in the Arc Project.[2] Leo then took Yuri under his wing, taught him everything thing he knows and appreciated his talent, earning Yuri's loyalty. However, Yuri was never disciplined for his wrongdoing, and he was spoiled, resulting in his loose morality and willingness to do anything for his own desire, without caring for the others, something that Leo never noticed.[8][9]

Yuri accepts Lulu's challenge.

After Dennis McField greenlit the invasion of the Xyz Dimension, Yuri and Dennis met Lulu Obsidian in the Resistance base camp when she was queuing up to draw water. He pursued her and she challenged him to a Duel after he cornered her in an alleyway. Yuri agreed, warning Lulu that he would take her with him to the Professor if she lost. Yuri defeated Lulu, captured her, and brought her back with him to Duel Academy.[17]

Yuri abducting Rin.

After the invasion, Yuri went to the Synchro Dimension on Leo's order to kidnap Rin. He succeeded in tracking her down and securing her in the Commons slums just as Yugo arrived on the scene and escaped using "Violet Flash". He was then seen at Heartland, secretly watching the confrontation between Yugo and Yuto from behind a building.[18]

Arc League Championship