Youka Naze

Youka Naze

universe Medaka Box

Youka Naze's powers and abilities



Remodeling (改造, Kaizou): Naze's Abnormality allows her to remodel people,[258] in a vein similar to her brother Maguro's Analysis.[259] She has performed several experiments on animals while a part of the Flask Plan,[260] making them strong enough to not even fear Medaka.[261] She has also worked with several members of the Thirteen Party, training both Takachiho and Munakata.[262] She has also trained Zenkichi, though time restraints kept her from using drugs or major surgery.[263] Naze's most extensive work however has been with Koga, who she fully remade into a cyborg.[264] Aside from remodeling others, Naze is also fully capable of using her Abnormality on herself. She first remodeled herself six years ago, and again during her battle with Shibushi, to create the Minus skill Ice Fire.[265]


Ice Fire


Ice Fire (凍る火柱アイスファイア, Aisu Faia): Naze's Minus, created during her battle with Shibushi with her Abnormality Remodeling.[265] Ice Fire allows Naze to manipulate her body temperature. By doing this she can lower her temperature to create ice around her using vapor in the air and manipulate ice. She can also instantly seal wounds by freezing her veins and skin, as well as keep her head cool to prevent suffering from mental damage.[266][267] Naze can use this ability with ice on other people and objects, the skill having a large range.[268] Naze can also create ice mirrors.[269] Because Ice Fire is a temperature skill and not an ice skill, Naze can freeze other liquids aside from water.[270] She can also raise her body temperature to produce fire.[271] Naze is also capable of manipulating the temperature around her in such a way that she creates a gust of wind which she can ride on, essentially allowing her to fly.[272] The appearance of Ice Fire has changed over time. When first created, Ice Fire creates a large piece of ice on Naze's forehead in place of her band-aid, and her hair turns a lighter shade. Several wrappings form around her to cover her body, with two large straps crossing one another suspended around her person.[273] This form remains when Naze uses Ice Fire for the second time.[274] After joining Zenkichi's Student Council however, the wrappings disappear when Naze uses Ice Fire, though the piece of ice on her forehead and the lighter shade of hair remain.[275]

Red Sword & Blue Blade (炎の妖刀 & 氷の聖剣レッドソードアンドブルーブレイド, Reddo Sōdo ando Burū Bureido): Naze creates a sword of fire in one hand and a blade of ice in the other.[276]

Ice Tank (氷絶アイスタンク, Aisu Tanku): Naze creates a defensive armor out of her ice. In this form, Naze can also freeze her surroundings by spreading ice out from her feet. She can also create an ice sword.[277]

Aienkien (哀炎気炎, Sorrowful Flames): Naze creates a giant ball of fire which she hurls at her opponent.[278]

Himekuri (火めくり, Fire Flip): Naze creates a small ball of fire in her hand, which she hurls at her opponent.[279]

Contradicting Cold Ash (氷炭灰冷図, Hyoutan Hai Rei Zu): Naze's strongest move, she attacks with spears of ice and balls of fire.[280]