

The Great Race Of Yith

Cthulhu Mythos

Yithian's weapons

  • Camera-Like Weapons - The Yithians utilize an electricity-based weapon system that resembles a camera. The actual destructive potential of this weapon is unknown, although its exact electrical frequency can harm or kill a Flying Polyp supposedly.

Yithian's equipment

  • Time Mirror - Although they can see into the past and future, the Yith require a specialized device to actually cast their minds to those eras. To return to their previous form, they must reconstruct the device in the time they are in.
  • Hypnotic Device - To ensure the mind-swapped individuals gain as little information about the Great Race as possible, the Yithians use a device that is described as being hypnotic to suppress the memories of their target.
No equipment or weapons connected to Yithian