Xenon/the Father Of Evil (The Transcendents)

Xenon/the Father Of Evil (The Transcendents)


Xenon/the Father Of Evil's History

Xenon the father of evil is an unnamed God who is never encountered till the 89th chaptor of the story who later is revealed to be the one responsible for evil existing and coming to creation itself he first was encountered by hiroshi and his adoptive family in a mountain seemingly lacking in basic food or health he wants to "help" everyone there only for them to realize he's a Serial killer and Child M#l#ster

Who enjoys killing and harming others cause he thinks it's funny and it's not untill chaptor 89 that hiroshi fully learns who he is

He is the unknown God that was said to had killed and replaced Eves baby with himself so he can manipulate her later into eating the apple that will bring about evil itself unto creation and ruin the balance between creation and destruction and caused evil to have dominance over creation for a long time

While he also committed a mass genocide killing nearly every single last Lower god

Before later being stopped

But when he was sent To hell as punishment his acts only grew worse

He later would torment hiroshi into working with him cause they shared the pleasure of psychopathy and hypocrisy

And xenon has tempted and manipulated every criminal into committing thier horrific acts

His first victims were a family of three whome he turned the only son and the dad into ape creatures who couldn't think beyond harming others

In all ways possible and the son was forced to end his mother's life over and over and over again

While the father was forced to M#l#st his own daughter's all for Xenons pleasure

He then would create 50 more humans whom he would M#l#st and torment kill or experiment on them

And turn some of them into walls of melted and boiled blood flesh and organs

And reduce them to boiled blood puddles which the only completely in tact body parts were the eyeballs

And he made them feel all of this pain the next 500 victims

We're whom he would boil them alive

For days and days on end


Force them to eat thier own kids

Or M#l#st them

He would later create hundreds of proxys

To do his bidding and he absolutely expected all of them to align with his ideas and ideology

And expected all thier wealth to be Givin to him

He has indirectly and directly has brought pain amount everything in existence

He has eaten entire realms of people


Or has m#l#sted entire realms

And experimented on them

Or tormented them via the blood eagle brazen bull and other methods all for the illusion of Revenge however he really has done his stuff for fun with no remorse at all

And he has discussed his philosophic view on everything

Viewing creation as something he should have control over

And he believes he should have all the control over who can exist and who cannot exist

He also believes himself

As better then everyone else

Will destroy entire realms

Over little things that get him mad

He does this countless people in mere seconds

All while they get to feel all the pain

And feel it multiply each second

He also viewed the genocide

Against Heros that hiroshi committed in his consciousness state of will without xenon needing to manipulate him into doing it and watching how much hiroshi enjoyed it brought tears of joy to his heart

Even saying "Oh the brutality

The horrors







All are there it brings me joy"

And despite his evilness

He also seems

That he's beyond a normal power level

Overpowering gods

That can create realms

That are endlessly times

More superior to the endless tapestrys that they contain that are beyond transcendent and superior to the concept of space time and diminsions

With diminsions barly reaching close

To a tapestrys level and xenon is even able to dwell


Battles inside each universe

And move when time is frozen or even mess it up

With his own movements he is a flow of the very idea thought and concept of evil itself only able to truly be harmed through harming the idea thought and concept itself rather then hurting his psychical body

Ok thats it I'm to lazy lol