

Kirika Yashida

universe Age of Apocalypse

X-23's powers and abilities

Kirika seems to have developed powers similar to those of her father (James Howlett), such as:

[*]Healing Factor: Like her father, Kirika possesses an accelerated healing factor that enables her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She is capable of fully healing injuries resulting in massive tissue damage and blood loss such as multiple bullet wounds, slash wounds, and puncture wounds.

  • Disease Immunity (presumably): Due to her highly efficient immune system, X-23 is immune to all Earthly diseases and infections.

  • Longevity: Presumably, because Kirika is the daughter of the mutant Weapon X, her healing factor will also provide her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process.

  • Superhumanly Acute Senses: Kirika possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals.

  • Enhanced Vision: She is capable of seeing at much greater distances — than an ordinary human.

  • Enhanced Smell: X-23 is able to use her highly developed sense of smell to track targets by scent with an impressive degree of success, even hours afterwards.

  • Enhanced Hearing Her sense of hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing her to both hear sounds that ordinary humans can't and to hear sounds that ordinary humans can, but at much greater distances.

  • Superhuman Agility: Kirika's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

  • Superhuman Reflexes: Laura's reflexes are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

  • Superhuman Durability: Kirika could very well withstand bombs and small energy attacks and heal from said attack.

  • Superhuman Stamina: Laura's muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human.

[*]Retractable Bone Claws: X-23's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. X-23 could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through her skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone; even before they were infused with Adamantium, they could penetrate most flesh and many natural materials.After augmentation, her bones became indestructible and her claws are capable of piercing any material (relative to its thickness and the force X-23 can exert). X-23 can unsheathe any number of her claws at once, although she needs to keep his wrists straight at the moment her claws pass from her forearms into her hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within her forearms, allowing her to bend her wrists when they are extended.

[*]Adamantium Skeleton: X-23's skeleton is coated in adamantium.

X-23's weaknesses

Powerful Energy Blasts: Injuries such as being hit with an energy blast from Weapon Omega was able to disintegrate her to her (adamantium) skeleton with no chance of regeneration.