Would any land/air animal stand a chance against Dinosaurs?
Created by superstarmaster, 5 mo 5 d ago.
Aquatic animals do not count
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Grandmaster420 5 mo 3 d
Would any land/air animal stand a chance against Dinosaurs? #
I've seen a video of an elephant fighting a rhino, rhino ran off after getting punctured by the elephants tusks
ultron 5 mo 5 d
Would any land/air animal stand a chance against Dinosaurs? #
depends on the dinosaur and the animal. Maybe a polar bear could take on a velicoraptor. I think besides a tiger and polar bear no other current animal could defeat a mid tier dinosaur
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superstarmaster 5 mo 5 d
Would any land/air animal stand a chance against Dinosaurs? #
@Ultron A Velociraptor would shred a Polar Bear or Tiger
Last edited: 5 mo 5 d ago.