


Woolley's powers and abilities

Hyper Elasticity - Wooley's body is incredibly elastic and allows it to stretch itself, mostly around its belly. Woolley has been seen ingesting entire titans and expanding to accommodate them inside of itself before spitting them out again. Woolley has also been noted to use its elasticity to bounce attacks harmlessly off itself before ricocheting off of nearby buildings with the force as a kind of counter attack.

Arctic Adaptations - Yetis are well adapted to incredibly cold environments, but Woolley has been seen to take this to the next level, as they are able to completely coat themselves in snow and ice on command, creating a large snowball they can then trap other titans within.

Teeth and Claws - Although blunt compared to the other Titans, Woolley's teeth and claws are strong enough to still do serious damage to those caught in its way.