

James Howlett


Wolverine's History

James Howlett, better known as Logan or as the superhero Wolverine was a descendant of the Moon Clan, a race of humans unaltered by the Celestials. James was a foundling, discovered in the Canadian wilds and taken by John Howlett as a replacement for his stillborn son.

The young James was kept at home and away from the public eye, with his family insisting to the child that he was always sick and must stay in bed. The drastic change in environment caused the young James to indeed become frail and sickly, until his true heritage manifested itself upon witnessing the murder of his adopted father.

With his family gone, James took the name "Logan", and returned to the wilds where he had been born. As a side effect of his healing factor, Logan's memories steadily faded and he became a wanderer, drifting from job to job. He eventually encountered Sabretooth, another descendant of the unaltered humans. Logan barely survived their first encounter, and the two became lifelong enemies.

Coveted for his healing factor, Logan was captured by the Canadian government and underwent experiments to bond the unbreakable metal Adamantium to his bones. He subsequently became a member of Alpha Flight before being recruited by Professor X to join the X-Men. Xavier convinced Logan that he was a mutant, either unaware or unconcerned with Logan's true origins. Logan would always struggle with his savage nature conflicting with the "civilized" environment he was now a part of.

Logan's subsequent career as a hero largely mirrors the early career of his Earth-616 counterpart. While a member of the X-Men he developed a romantic interest in teammate Jean Grey, despite the fact that she was together with team captain Cyclops.

When all of humanity suddenly mutated, global chaos followed. The mutation activated the powers of the Skull, causing the instant death of every telepath on Earth, including Xavier. Desperate to contain the emerging mutants, the world's governments re-activated the Sentinels to herd them into detention camps. This effort was foiled by Magneto, who lured the Sentinels into a trap, destroyed them, and fashioned the mutant sanctuary of Sentinel City from their remains.

With all of humanity now mutants, and with their founder dead, the X-Men disbanded. Around this time, Jean Grey, who had lost her powers and thus survived the birth of the Skull, left Cyclops to pursue a romance with Wolverine. The couple eventually settled down in New York City.

With Jean struggling with the loss of her powers and adapting to a normal life, Logan sought the help of Dr. Miles Warren in limiting his healing factor so that he could grow old with Jean. He hoped that this would bring them together and prevent them from drifting apart like she and Cyclops had, but it was ultimately futile. Years after the mutation of humanity and their retirement as heroes, Logan and Jean Grey had developed into a stereotype of the bickering New York couple, both of them overweight and miserable. Logan spent his time in front of the TV, insisting that his healing factor prevented him from getting fat, despite being grossly overweight, and constantly arguing with Jean.

When the Skull led an army of mind-controlled super-humans to conquer New York, Logan sat by, watching the events unfold on TV. When Jean asked him to get involved with defending the city, Logan derisively told her to shut up. This was the last straw, and Jean left him, angrily telling him that she was actually Madelyne Pryor on the way out, to spite him.

Logan's life presumably continued unaltered, despite the momentous events that occurred in the world around him, such as the ecological disasters ravaging the world after the death of the Celestial embryo within Earth, the attacks of the Church of Immortus and Absorbing Man on New York, and even the destruction of Death itself.

Wolverine attended the wedding of Queen Medusa and King Britain, which would serve as an impromptu reunion of the surviving X-Men. He was reunited with Jean, who confessed that she had lied about being Madelyne Pryor to spite him. While there, Logan encountered an alternate reality version of himself, brought to Earth-9997 by X-51. This version of Logan had been promised the truth of his origins in exchange for aiding X-51.

When X-51 learned of Wolverine's origins as an unaltered human, he told the alternate Logan, who sought his counterpart out in his New York home. He revealed the truth of their origins, telling him that it was his choice what to do with the information. While at first bothered by the revelation, Logan soon began laughing hysterically. Freed from the burden of having to fit into a society he did not belong in, he shed his clothes, jumped into the Hudson River and returned to the wilds, far away from the world of man.

Later, however, Logan found himself drafted into a group composed of his multiversal counterparts by an alternate reality version of Jean Grey from Earth-80777. Jean gathered the group of Wolverines for the purpose of stopping Onslaught, a psychic entity composed of the darkest sides of the Jean Grey and Magneto of Earth-696.