
Wishes, but...

Created by UnusOf2029, 3 y 3 mo 30 d ago.

You have 3 wishes BUT the 1st person to comment get to pick an unintentional effect.
There are rules to the wishes
1) No wishing for more wishes
2) No wishing for powers that can grant your own wishes (Omnipotence, reality warping etc.)
3) No wishing for there not to be side effects
4) If you pick time travel every time you make a wish it becomes a fixed point in time (Like the Doctor Strange What if?) so you cannot go back in time to get more wishes or undo wishes.
More Rules may be added later.


Tyrannus 3 y 3 mo 23 d
Wishes, but...
70 months member
1. Healing factor
2. Super speed
3. Extreme intelligence
show 1 reply
masterking2 3 y 3 mo 21 d
Wishes, but...
47 months member
1. it only heals temporarily 2. your skin will burn 3. extremely intelligent for a baby
masterking2 3 y 3 mo 26 d
Wishes, but...
47 months member
i wish for 10 possessed dolls,a stick of dynamite and mint chip ice cream.