Who is your favorite in the Godzilla vs Kong (2020) film?
Created by MakeMineMarvel, 5 y 6 mo 7 d ago.
Back in the 1960's, my brother always cheered for King Kong and I pulled for Godzilla. Things have not changed, despite 50+ years having passed. He is still for Kong and I am still for Godzilla. However, I think that next year I will finally get the revenge that I have been waiting for these last five decades. I believe that Godzilla will defeat King Kong next year. Who is your champion - Godzilla or Kong?
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DeanDinosaur6 5 y 6 mo 4 d
Who is your favorite in the Godzilla vs Kong (2020) film? #
I hope Kong and Godzilla team up to fight a OP King Ghidorah
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MakeMineMarvel 5 y 6 mo 4 d
Who is your favorite in the Godzilla vs Kong (2020) film? #
Some have claimed that they will team up to fight another monster, possibly Giddorah. I agree that a team up would be a bold move.
DarkProdigy 5 y 6 mo 5 d
Who is your favorite in the Godzilla vs Kong (2020) film? #
Honestly, I will definitely be cheering for Kong. And he is definitely the underdog as well. Adam Wingard (the director) has confirmed that there will be a winner in this film too, so that's interesting