Who is the best superhero martial artist?
Created by Thunder_God, 3 y 3 mo 19 d ago.
Who is the best Martial Artist from the comics, movies, games, etc? It can be heroes, villains, and even side characters.
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Savage 3 y 3 mo 17 d
Who is the best superhero martial artist? #
vcowles77 3 y 3 mo 18 d
Who is the best superhero martial artist? #
This directly goes to Kenshiro. That guy is a total badass in all martial arts fiction. No one would stand a chance against him.
Last edited: 3 y 3 mo 18 d ago.
Mr_Incognito 3 y 3 mo 18 d
Who is the best superhero martial artist? #
Karate Kid is the best martial artist in fiction.