
Who is the best debater on this website.

Created by TheNemianLion, 6 y 8 mo 3 d ago.

I believe it to be @SirSpidey He presents his arguments with research and uses facts to the best of his ability, he is also very passionate about debating and sticks to his views no matter what.


Rotemeg 6 mo 18 d
Who is the best debater on this website.
20 months member
If someone wants to debate with me I can answer this question
Nyarlathotep 7 mo 1 d
Who is the best debater on this website.
13 months member
@Xrpl320. who do you think are the best debaters on this website?
show 3 replies
xrpl320 7 mo 1 d
Who is the best debater on this website.
51 months member
Those who frequently provide some sort of evidence, scans, or weblinks, such that other debaters who've never heard of a particular character have a chance to learn what is important for giving an appropriate vote.

They're getting rarer, nowadays, but usually e.g. MoNsTeR often provides good links which can be used as information for the Unknowing Voters, so he's good.

There's nothing more convincing in a debate than a good scan or similar piece of evidence.
Last edited: 7 mo 1 d ago.