White Hat

White Hat


Marvel Cinematic Universe

White Hat's powers and abilities

Mystically Enhanced Physiology: Due to the usage of the Substance synthesized from the bones of the Dragon, Sowande's physical attributes are enhanced and enable him to live for more than four hundred years.

Enhanced Strength: Sowande was capable of staggering Luke Cage with his blows through the use of pressure points and even knocked the hero to the ground.

Longevity: Through the usage of the Resurrection Elixir synthesized from Dragon bones, Sowande, along with the other founders of the Hand, has had his lifespan extended by centuries. He could even have been alive for millennia, as the Hand was believed to be responsible for the destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD.



Intelligence110 IQ
Strength200 kg • 441 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers

Pressure PointsRegeneration