White Canary

White Canary

Sara Lance

DC Television Universe


Manx 27 d
White Canary
36 months member
@Ezio hey, monster told me that i have to ask you about edit this character, so, i know that you think i'm wrong but let me explain, in the second season of arrow, Barry Allen says it takes 1000 pounds to break a neck (at least 400 kg), which Sara does casually. About her speed, it is assumed that she must be swifter than Oliver, and i think that's all, hope you could assign me sara, and thank you for reading
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Ezio 27 d
White Canary
8+ year member
265 kg= world record weightlifting= Site definition of Strength

breaking neck punch= breaking 1 brick= 700 pound= 317 kg= Flyweight Boxers

You think these two are the same? Can Sara Lance do the first one?
Last edited: 27 d ago.
Manx 27 d
White Canary
36 months member
I mean, according to what barry said, at least in his universe that would take 1000 pounds, and if there is a calc i think we should do accord to the calcs of their universe and not according to ours
And about if she can do that, i think yes but on a short time (sorry for my bad english) @Ezio