What the hell went down when I was away?
Created by Z_man_the_overpowered, 4 y 7 mo 20 d ago.
Get me back up to speed on why almost everything went to **** since I left.
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EmptyHand 4 y 7 mo 20 d
What the hell went down when I was away? #
The site is back to normal, and not going downhill
Jakcj 4 y 7 mo 20 d
What the hell went down when I was away? #
Aye I remember you. Sup
Z_man_the_overpowered 4 y 7 mo 20 d
What the hell went down when I was away? #
I know galactus retired, The discord server is gone, And the entire website is running itself into the dirt, So tell me what happened!