What have been the best moments of this website?
Created by MrJaeger07, 4 y 6 mo 7 d ago.
I'm new, so I want to know through old users a little bit about the history of this website, starting with the best moments it have had.
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Galactus 4 y 6 mo 7 d
What have been the best moments of this website? #
The very first version of SHDb is a memorable moment:
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Jakcj 4 y 6 mo 7 d
What have been the best moments of this website? #
Dang only 647 heroes in that year. Wow I feel bitter from that.
Galactus 4 y 6 mo 7 d
What have been the best moments of this website? #
And only 130 with stats... We have over 3000 now.
Last edited: 4 y 6 mo 7 d ago.