What are your Overall Thoughs on Olicity
Created by BlotskyA, 3 y 8 mo 16 d ago.
Now I Know Olicity has happen but I Want to know where you guys stand on this Relationship between Oliver and Felicity on Arrow
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DeanDinosaur6 3 y 8 mo 16 d
What are your Overall Thoughs on Olicity #
The show was at its lowest because of Olicity in my opinion. They should have been a couple for maybe one or two season at most.
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BlotskyA 3 y 8 mo 16 d
What are your Overall Thoughs on Olicity #
Personally, If I Was a Showrunner for Arrow, I Would've Never Introduce Felicity because She is a Firestorm Character in the Comics, I Would've used Barbara Gordon because She is a Very Important for Black Canary, Overall I Will make a Video on Olicity
DeanDinosaur6 3 y 8 mo 16 d
What are your Overall Thoughs on Olicity #
I think having her in Arrow is fine, she has a good spot on Team Arrow. I just don't think she and Oliver should have gotten together, and if they did, it would be much later in the series.