
What are you excited about My Marvel vs DC Fan Show

Created by BlotskyA, 3 y 10 mo 14 d ago.

Now I'm Sure, we're all excited for my Fan Show for my YT Channel but Tell Me What You're excited for :)


BlotskyA 3 y 3 mo 8 d
What are you excited about My Marvel vs DC Fan Show
65 months member
The Season 3 Teaser Trailer has just finished, It's Coming VERY Soon
BlotskyA 3 y 5 mo 13 d
What are you excited about My Marvel vs DC Fan Show
65 months member
Big Update: I've been working on a Fan Made Trailer for the Show, I've began working on The Season 3 Trailer
BlotskyA 3 y 6 mo 6 d
What are you excited about My Marvel vs DC Fan Show
65 months member
The Synopsis of Episode 34: 63 of My Marvel vs DC Fan Youtube TV Show is this

Batman and Captain Marvel are trapped in a World where Batman is buried Alive and Captain Marvel has to Sing to save his Life, Meanwhile Green Arrow is stuck in Candyland

Jesus Christ, talk about a Weird Episode