

Albert Wesker

Resident Evil Game & Movie universe

Wesker's powers and abilities

Superhuman Strength

Thanks to his injecting himself with that prototype virus, Wesker's strength is so much that he can throw large missiles with one hand, lift steel girders off his body, and kill a B.O.W. with one strike. He can also lift approximately 10 tons, perform superhuman leaps, and create huge craters on the ground with his punches. Wesker seems to take great pleasure in demonstrating his power so as to intimidate his foes.

Superhuman Speed

Wesker has superhuman speed and agility. Wesker's speed and reflexes are perhaps his most notable abilities since they allow him to dodge bullets at almost point-blank range, perform short dashes of speed faster than the brain could comprehend, giving him the appearance of teleporting, and leap great heights.

Superhuman Durability

Wesker's skin is denser than an average human's, allowing him to survive the deadliest and most lethal blows that'd normally kill anyone else. He can withstand RPG explosions, stabs into his weak spot, and hits from some heavy-hitters like Chris Redfield, who can casually move several-ton boulders. Wesker's skin is so hard that being hit with an iron bar only damages the bar and it took an active volcano and two simultaneous RPG shots to finally put him down for good.

Superhuman Endurance

A rocket exploding in his hands only incapacitated Wesker for a moment, thousands of pounds of steel falling on him from a few stories dazed him for a few seconds.

Superhuman Stamina

Wesker possesses an unnatural amount of superhuman stamina, being able to sustain numerous injuries, including being dropped from a high altitude into a volcano. He also possesses an adaptive immunity to parasites and pathogens.

Superhuman Longevity

Since his resurrection, Wesker's physiology also appears to have stopped from physically aging. The "healing factor" has also shown the power to resurrect him from the dead so long as the majority of his body remains intact.

Regenerative Healing

The injection gave him a regenerative healing factor. He healed from his face getting hideously burned within minutes. When the Tyrant killed him in the mansion, the virus took immediate effect, as he regenerated from the fatal injuries within a few minutes. Even a bullet to the face cannot kill him.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery

Despite Wesker mainly relying on his superhuman strength, speed & greatly-accelerated healing, he is a highly skilled gunman & military tactician from his days as a S.T.A.R.S. member and keeps his Samurai Edge pistol holstered with him at all times, since Wesker never lets his guard down. Also, even without the enhancements of his virus, Wesker is an extremely skilled martial artist, much more enough to go toe-to-toe with a Tyrant Super-Soldier.

Genius-Level Intellect

Wesker possesses an IQ of 180 and is shown as a natural prodigy in science, bio-engineering, chemistry, virology, military strategies and other forms of technology. Wesker was a very fit, cunning, and intelligent person even before enhancement, having once been a top researcher for Umbrella before deciding to join the Umbrella Security Division as head of the force, and later, the special forces.

Master martial artist

Wesker is the master of 10 forms of combat and possesses great skills in acrobatics and he possess the knowledge of deadly techniques

Wesker's weaknesses

Overdose injection

Wesker's strength comes from the Prototype virus...(but in the novels saying that he possess his strength from his child hood)

That means that if Wesker injects too much will make him powerful but...with a great cost...he will become more dizzy and he can't focus on his actions and will feel a terrible headache