Warrior Lion

OC Warrior Lion

Leonard Owen

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Warrior Lion's powers and abilities

Intelligence Showing many feats of intellect, Leonard usually uses his intelligence on adventures. From creating a machine that can recreate a solar system with ease, he is considered to be one of the smartest beings on the planet, if not THE most smartest.

Strength In his base, Leonard can move a planet or destroy it with a punch. A serious Warrior Lion was capable of moving every planet of the universe simultaneously. Leonard has also closed a black hole with ease. His striking strength when serious is staggering. He is capable of destroying a universe with a single punch.

Speed At base form, Leonard can run at the speed of light. When serious, he can run at thousands upon thousands times the speed of light.

He uses his speeds to catch his opponents of guard, and use his striking strength to one-shot them.